
Schneemann, H. & Welch, J.J. (2024) When will hybridization bring long-term benefits?, in review

Schneemann, H., De Sanctis, B., & Welch, J. J. (2023). Fisher’s geometric model as a tool to study speciation. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, a041442.

*De Sanctis, B., Schneemann, H., & Welch, J. J. (2023). How does the mode of evolutionary divergence affect reproductive isolation? Peer Community Journal, 3, e6.

*Schneemann, H., Munzur, A. D., Thompson, K. A., & Welch, J. J. (2022). The diverse effects of phenotypic dominance on hybrid fitness. Evolution, 6(12), 2846-2863.

*Schneemann, H., De Sanctis, B., Roze, D., Bierne, N., & Welch, J. J. (2020). The geometry and genetics of hybridization. Evolution, 74(12), 2575-2590.

Schneemann, H., & Welch, J. J. (2023). Transient overdominance, coadaptation, and the fixability of heterosis. bioRxiv, 2023.08.23.554444

Thompson, K.A., Brandvain, Y., Coughlan, J.M., Delmore, K.E., Justen, H., Linnen, C.R., Ortiz-Barrientos, D., Rushworth, C.A., Schneemann, H., Schumer, M. and Stelkens, R.,  (2023). The ecology of hybrid incompatibilities. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, a041440.

Stankowski, S., Cutter, A.D., Satokangas, I., Lerch, B.A., Rolland, J., Smadja, C.M., Segami Marzal, J.C., Cooney, C.R., Feulner, P.G., Domingos, F.M.C.B., North, H.L., Yamaguchi, R., Butlin, R.K., Wolf J.B.W., Coughlan J., Heidbreder, P., Hernández-Gutiérrez, R., Barnard-Kubow, K.B., Peede, D., Rancilhac, L., Brincalepe Salvador, R., Thompson, K.A., Stacy, E.A., Moyle, L.C., Garlovsky, M.D., Maulana, A., Kantelinen A., Ivalú Cacho, N., Schneemann, H., Domínguez, M., Dopman E.B., Lohse, K., Rometsch, S.J., Comeault, A.A., Merrill, R.M., Scordato, E.S.C., Singhal, S., Pärssinen, V., Lackey, A.C.R., Kumar, S., Meier, J.I., Barton, N.H., Fraïsse, C., Ravinet, M., Kulmuni, J. (2024). Toward the integration of speciation research. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society, kzae001.

Bromham, L., Skeels, A., Schneemann, H., Dinnage, R., & Hua, X. (2021). There is little evidence that spicy food in hot countries is an adaptation to reducing infection risk. Nature Human Behaviour, 5(7), 878-891.

Hua, X., Greenhill, S. J., Cardillo, M., Schneemann, H., & Bromham, L. (2019). The ecological drivers of variation in global language diversity. Nature communications, 10(1), 2047.

Bromham, L., Hua, X., Cardillo, M., Schneemann, H., & Greenhill, S. J. (2018). Parasites and politics: why cross-cultural studies must control for relatedness, proximity and covariation. Royal Society open science, 5(8), 181100.

Greenhill, S. J., Hua, X., Welsh, C. F., Schneemann, H., & Bromham, L. (2018). Population size and the rate of language evolution: A test across Indo-European, Austronesian and Bantu languages. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 576.