Curriculum Vitae
2019-2023 PhD in Genetics
Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge
2019-2020 MRes in Mathematical Genomics and Medicine
University of Cambridge
2017-2019 Erasmus Mundus MSc in Evolutionary Biology (MEME)
Double degree from University of Montpellier and Uppsala
2013-2016 BSc in Liberal Arts and Sciences
University College Maastricht
IST-BRIDGE Postdoctoral fellowship at Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Title: Unravelling genetic interactions: insights from Hibiscus and Antirrhinum hybrids, supervised by Prof. Nick BartonPhD project at Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge
Title: Fitness landscapes, genetic interactions and the fitness of hybrids, supervised by Dr. John Welch and Dr. Edwige MoyroudMRes Rotation project at Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Title: Mapping-by-Sequencing in madeleine mutant of Hibiscus trionum, supervised by Dr. Edwige Moyroud and Dr. Joseph WalkerMRes Rotation project at Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
Title: Large inversion on chromosome 2 in Heliconius erato is associated with altitude, supervised by Dr. Joana Meier and Dr. Gabriela Montejo-KovacevichMasters thesis at Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, University of Montpellier
Title: Enhancer runaway and its signature in sequence data, supervised by Prof. Thomas LenormandMasters thesis at Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge
Title: The predictability of hybrid fitness: Fisher’s geometric model with variable dominance, supervised by Dr. John Welch and Prof. Nicolas BierneM1 project at the Institute of Evolutionary Science of Montpellier, University of Montpellier
Title: The nature of molecular adaptation, supervised by Prof. Nicolas Galtier and Dr. Marjolaine RousselleResearch assistant at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Project: Inferring demographic history from WGS, supervised by Prof. Mark Stoneking and Dr. Irina PugachResearch assistant at Research School of Biology, Australian National University
Project: Global patterns of language diversity, supervised by Prof. Lindell Bromham and Prof. Simon GreenhillBachelor thesis at University College Maastricht
Title: Genetic and linguistic co-evolution in Austronesia, supervised by Prof. Mark Stoneking and Dr. Irina Pugach
Stephen Johnson Award - Best PhD thesis in Department of Genetics
Stephen Johnson Award - Outstanding Service to the Department of Genetics
Research in Genetics - Student poster prize
Other experience
Peer-review for eLife, Molecular Ecology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society, Evolution, PLOS Genetics, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Postgraduate representative for Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge 2021-2022
Mentor In2research 2021-2022
Co-organiser of Cambridge Evolutionary genetics and genomics symposium 2021